Lenten Talks

We will hold a series of four Lenten Talks titled Lord, Teach Us How to Pray: A Practical Guide to Christian individual prayer.” These sessions will take place on four consecutive Thursday evenings, each lasting up to 45 minutes, in the small parish hall. The first session will begin on March 13 at 6:30 pm.

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Visit to Uganda

We recently had an engaging presentation about the visit to Uganda last September, where we saw the positive impacts of the incredible support from the donors. Many parishioners contributed to this visit and may be interested in seeing the benefits of their donations. The presentation was successfully recorded (which may not be as obvious as you might think) and is now available below for viewing.

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Readers’ Workshop

Prior to the introduction of the New Lectionary, an evening session for readers was held at the Parish Hall. This session was recorded to ensure that those who could not attend due to bad weather or other commitments would still have access to the information shared.

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WhatsApp Parish Channel

Unpredictable events can get in the way, like challenging weather or tricky road conditions striking unexpectedly. I suggest subscribing to the parish WhatsApp channel if you use the WhatsApp app. It’s a one-way communication tool used to make short-notice and last-minute announcements. You will remain anonymous.

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“Do No Harm” is a short documentary on assisted dying, created by Being Catholic TV, which highlights some of the grave concerns around proposals to legalise assisted dying in the UK and Scottish Parliaments.

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Jubilee 2025

Pope Francis has declared that next year, 2025, will be a Holy Year in the Universal Church and that 2024 should be a year of preparation for this great Jubilee.

The idea of Jubilee has its roots in the Old Testament, with a celebration of a year of forgiveness and reconciliation. The Sabbath was the seventh day, a day of rest, and the Jubilee year was the year following seven times seven years, so the Jubilee took place every 50th year. In the tradition of the Catholic Church, we now celebrate the Jubilee every 25 years. The Holy Year of 2025 will begin at the Christmas Vigil 2024 when the Holy Father will open the Holy Door of St Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

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The Uganda Appeal results!

You may remember the Emergency Uganda Appeal from a few weeks ago when we raised £650 to assist with the repairs of the severely storm-damaged church of the Mulajje Parish. Your contribution truly had a positive impact, as evidenced in the photos below. Fr Gerald sent a message of gratitude, too:

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Assisted Suicide

Cut Off from Me, You Can Do Nothing
Called to Care, Not to Kill – a Pastoral Letter on Assisted Suicide

In the parable of the Vine and the Branches, Jesus teaches us that we are one community, one family and one society.  We live in a world where any one of our decisions affects all of us. We are all brothers and sisters with responsibility to each other.

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