Bishop Hugh has recently created a new deanery, which includes parishes from Moray and Aberdeenshire. These parishes range from Forres in the west to Peterhead in the east, and from Stonehaven in the south to Lossiemouth in the north. Fr Colin Stewart from St Sylvester’s in Elgin is the Dean of this new Deanery.
Our goal is to establish a Pastoral Council consisting of clergy and lay members who will gather, guided by the Holy Spirit, to share their parish experiences and illuminate their communities. In essence, the plan involves having a couple of lay representatives from each parish and the priest participate in two or three meetings per year held in different parishes within the deanery.
Everyone is invited to the inaugural Mass presided by Bishop Hugh Gilbert, launching of the Deanery on Saturday, 28 September, at 10:30 am in St Thomas’ Catholic Church, Keith (Chapel Street, AB55 5AL). You are welcome to attend, and refreshments will be served afterwards.